I’ve often talked about Mini Six on my video live streams and my podcast. Its an awesome small lite and compact version of the old West End Games d6 system. Its not difficult to understand and you can make any genre or universe come to life for a short or even long-term campaign.
Creating characters is fast and easy, which was a big hit with some players who like to play but don’t enjoy complicated character creation. There isn’t massive page flipping, or searching the book for things, its straightforward and a blast.
One of the things I really enjoy about Mini Six is that you can add to it because the book is a framework or a tool kit for you to design things up how you want. If you the type of Game Master that likes to design, this is your jam!
With just a few dice, a few rules, and your imagination, you can go anywhere with the game and even publish it! Yep, it falls under the d6 Open Gaming License, thanks to Eric Gibson, a former West End Games owner.
I think if you have some time and want to pick it up, you can grab the PDF for free on drivethrurpg. Its about 32 pages, and has some pages dedicated in the back of the book for example settings. From fantasy to a “Star Wars” setting, it seems to have some good examples.