Mini Six Write up: Detective Amanda Fisher from Ash vs Evil Dead
She was just doing her job, and one day her partner died, but came back to life as a Deadite...
Name: Amanda Fisher
Sex: Female Height: 5’6'“ Weight: 125lbs
Background: Detective, Michigan State Police
Might (2D+1)
Agility (3D)
Wit (3D+1)
Charm (2D+2)
Brawling (4D+1)
Dodge (5D)
Pistol (4D+1)
Search (4D)
Streetwise (3D+1)
Unwavering Grit (2): Once per session, when confronted with a terrifying creature or situation (like a Deadite attack), Amanda can resist succumbing to fear or panic. She gains a +2D bonus to a single Might, Agility, or Charm roll, representing her ability to push through fear and act decisively. This bonus can be applied after the initial roll is made, but before the outcome is determined.
Trauma: Whenever Amanda encounters something that reminds her of her partner's or Parents death, the GM might require her to make a Might roll. The difficulty of this roll would depend on the intensity of the trigger. Failure: If Amanda fails the Might roll, she's overwhelmed by a rush of fear, anxiety, or grief. This could result in her being temporarily paralyzed by fear, suffering a -1D penalty to all actions, experiencing a vivid flashback, or lashing out recklessly.
Heavy Pistol (4D): Amanda carries a standard-issue police handgun.
Handcuffs: As a police officer, Amanda would carry handcuffs.
Police Radio: Amanda would have access to a police radio for communication.
Background and Personality:
History: Amanda Fisher is a Michigan State Police Detective who is pulled into the world of Deadite fighting during season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead.
Motivation: Amanda's motivations likely revolve around protecting the innocent and upholding the law, even when confronted with supernatural threats.
Personality: Amanda is generally serious and focused, especially when on a case. However, she is also capable of showing compassion and empathy, particularly towards victims of crime.
Static Combat Stats:
Block 13
Dodge 15
Parry depends on weapon
Soak 7
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