Mini Six Green Lantern Ring Part 3
In my previous post, Part 1 and Part 2 I talked about the ring itself and one of the abilities it provided. After a little more thought, I was wondering how it would be implemented say in combat? How would the user smack someone upside the head with that big boxing glove or shooting blasts of energy? Let’s dive into that today!
Using Constructs for Attacks
When a player uses the Green Lantern Ring to create an offensive construct, the type of attack determines which skill or attribute is used for the attack roll.
Construct Types and Corresponding Skills
Melee Constructs (e.g., Giant Boxing Glove):
Skill: Brawling
Description: The player rolls their Brawling skill to attack with a melee construct.
Ranged Constructs (e.g., Energy Blast):
Skill: Throwing (or an appropriate ranged combat skill if one is available)
Description: The player rolls their Throwing skill to attack with a ranged construct.
Default Constructs (No Specific Skill):
Attribute: Willpower
Description: If the construct does not fall into a clear melee or ranged category, the player rolls their Willpower skill.
Damage Values for Constructs
Melee Constructs (e.g., Giant Boxing Glove):
Damage: Typically based on the character’s Might or a set value.
Example Damage: Might + 2D (for a powerful punch).
Ranged Constructs (e.g., Energy Blast):
Damage: Typically based on a set value determined by the GM.
Example Damage: 4D (for a standard energy blast).
Complex Constructs:
Damage: Varies based on the construct’s nature and intended effect.
Example Damage: Determined by the GM based on the complexity and purpose of the construct.